Data sources

Group of individuals sharing a defining demographic characteristic....

7 data sources

  • CNCR

    Czech National Cancer Registry (CNCR in the Czech Republic)

    Czech National Cancer Registry (National Oncology Registry - NOR) is register of oncological diseases, which periodically monitor them and their development in time. UZIS is in charge for data collection, verification, storage, protection and process...

  • CRASLNa3Sud

    Cancer Registry ASLNa3Sud
  • ECBD

    European Chemical Biology Database

    The European Chemical Biology Database (ECBD) is the central data hub for data generated within the EU-OPENSCREEN network.The ECBD is hosted by our Czech partner site, the Institute Molecular Genetics (IMG) in Prague. It is a a web portal with powerf...

  • NCR

    Netherlands Cancer Registry

    The NCR compiles clinical data of all individuals newly diagnosed with cancer in the Netherlands. Cancer registration clerks register newly diagnosed cancer patients since 1989 on a national basis. Over the past 30 years, this registry has provided c...

  • RTB

    Cancer Registry of Basilicata

    In Basilicata there is a Regional Cancer Registry of the general population, established with DGR (resolution of the regional council) n.1277 / 2000, the management of which is entrusted to the CROB. The Basilicata Cancer Registry, accredited by AIRT...

  • This European research infrastructure intends to support comprehensive research on human health and the environment, way of life, diet, exercise, economic pressures and psychosocial problems. The concept of a pan-European infrastructure supporting re...